
5 Springtime Home Improvement Projects to Liven Up Your Home

Within a month or two, it’ll be springtime again. Is your home ready?

After the flurry of snow and ice, your home might not be looking great as it used to whether you’ve winterized it during the fall or not. Freshening up your home is a good way to improve your abode’s structural integrity and overall aesthetic as springtime’s typically the best time to do it—cool breeze, warm sunny skies and no snowmelt to slip on.

So, grab your helmet and toolbox or call your local remodeling crew, like, and get into these springtime home improvement projects to spice up your home.

Improve Your Yard’s Landscaping

Spring is the perfect time to do landscaping projects. Whether you’re thinking of sprucing up your lawn or your backyard, creating a good landscaping project plan will ensure that your home will end up with more than just flamingos and gnomes. Think of the plants you’d want to add to your yard, the soil required to make them grow and whether you’ll need to do some earthmoving to get stuff done.

Add a Leisure Space

Sometimes, the living room just doesn’t cut it as a place to entertain your guests. Renovate your living room to be more welcoming or add some other leisure spaces for you and your guests to hang out in. For example, you can do a major renovation to have a sunroom, glass enclosures or patio. You can make it a flexible, open-plan entertainment hall with bi-folding doors so that it blurs the difference between the indoors and outdoors.

Improve Your Home’s Natural Lighting

home with a lot of natural lighting

You may find your home gloomy sometimes because there’s not enough natural light coming in. Instead of installing more artificial lighting, renovate your home to add some extra natural light into your home. Roof windows can make your space look larger or higher while at the same time they shower your home with sunlight. You can have them slightly filtered down to prevent heat from getting through. You can also install bigger windows to let the light in. A little cheat you can also do is to use brighter interior paints so that the light that comes in bounces off the walls and ceiling.

Repaint Your Home

Speaking of interior paints, why not give your home a fresh coat of paint to spice it up? When the paint’s chipping or at least getting a bit old, then it’s time for you to repaint it. Consider what room you are going to paint and how you’d want it to be. If you do the work yourself, you can save a lot of money repainting a room. You can use vibrant or muted spring colors, or use a floral palette. Just make sure that the new paint you’re putting on the walls really fits the aesthetic and color combination of the furniture and fixtures.

Replace Your Siding

Your home’s siding guards it from the harsh elements, including snow and ice. It also adds some extra character and value to your home. Whether it’s for aesthetic or functional reasons, replace your siding with both the design and function in mind. You also need to consider the reliability, cost and maintenance of the wall cladding to ensure that you get the most out of your money.

Sometimes, home improvement projects can be just a simple paint job or a slight touch-up. But always remember to always give your home tender loving care 24/7—regardless of the season.

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