studio apartment

6 Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Studio Apartment

So a studio apartment is the only place you have for now. But that doesn’t mean you can’t transform it to the dream home you’ve always wanted! Although small in size, there are a lot of things you can do to completely change the look of your space and make the most out of it!

If you want to make a dream home out of your studio apartment, take these tips to get started!

Be smart about storage

Probably the biggest problem faced by studio apartment owners is not having enough space! Because the place is so small, it’s often hard to find a spot for everything you own. But instead of overcrowding your unit, you should learn to be smart about storage.

You can utilize your furniture as extra storage space. Make sure every piece of furniture is doing its part to solve the storage problem. Whether it be the space under your bed or some cleverly-placed drawers, it can do a lot to give you more places to store your belongings.

Put up mirrors

Mirrors can do a great deal in making small spaces look bigger. It creates depth and makes your apartment look a lot bigger than it is. Not only that, but mirrors will also help you spread more natural light around your room. Light can bounce around the space and brighten up your dark, gloomy apartment, making it feel homey and vibrant.

Install dividers

In studio apartments, it would often feel like everything is in one place. Your kitchen, dining table, work station, and bedroom are all within arm’s reach. That’s probably a factor why your studio looks so small and crowded.

A great solution is to install some dividers or internal cavity sliding doors. This will separate the different rooms and transform your studio apartment into a sleek one-bedroom unit.

Paint the ceiling white

A possible reason why your apartment feels too crowded and small is because of the color of your ceiling. It may seem like it’s too low, making the space look too cramped. Repainting your ceiling will do a long way in giving the illusion of a bigger space. White ceilings create height by reflecting light. Thus, making your ceiling look higher and less crowded.

Install shelves

wall shelves

Adding some decorations and display to your apartment will make it feel homey. Although small, it will look like a comfortable mancave anyone wants to lounge in. Instead of putting plants and décor on top of your tables and cabinets, you can save up on space by installing shelves on your walls.

These will also give you additional storage space where you can put your books and other small belongings. Just make sure you don’t put too much, or else it will end up looking like clutter.

Stay organized

No matter how much you do to optimize your studio apartment, nothing will work if you don’t stay organized. It might look good at first, but if you scatter your things around, it will look messy and unappealing in the long run.

The mess will cause your apartment to feel smaller and unwelcoming. Make sure you don’t get tired of organizing your things. Always put everything back to its place after use. That way, you can retain the beauty of your space.

Living in a studio apartment doesn’t have to be a temporary “make-do” situation. You can convert your studio into a comfortable and welcoming home with these easy tips.

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