7 Safety Tips for Oilfield Workers

Like all other industries where there are high levels of risk to workers’ health and safety, many precautions are taken to reduce or eliminate injuries and deaths in an oilfield. However, these precautions are sometimes not enough.

Here are the best ways that employees can ensure their safety when working in an oilfield:

1. Wear the correct type of gloves

Every worker must wear the right type of gloves when handling cutting equipment or downhole tools in Oklahoma and other locations. Choose a pair that gives you enough dexterity to work efficiently, as well as durability that will protect you from cuts, burns, and impact injuries. Moreover, make sure that you wear your gloves every time you work. Habitually forgetting to put on your gloves can put you at risk of injuries.

2. Familiarize yourself with the work area

If you’re new to a worksite, take the time to familiarize yourself with the area. This will allow you to identify potential hazards, know where certain things are, and maybe even make new friends before you start your job.

3. Keep your work area uncluttered

Loose clutter can lead to falls, trips, and impact accidents that can injure you or your co-workers. To eliminate this risk, keep your work area uncluttered at all times. If you spill something, clean it up immediately so no one can slip on the liquid.

4. Don’t wear accessories or bring tools

Some tools can be dangerous in an oilfield as they put you at risk for hand injuries. Be sure you’re only bringing tools that are allowed in the worksite. Similarly, don’t wear jewelry or accessories while working in the oilfield. Rings, bracelets, or necklaces can easily get caught in equipment and cause serious injury. If you must bring your accessories to work, leave them in the car or your bag.

5. Report hazards promptly

Oilfield worker

When you see a potential hazard in the worksite, report it to your superior immediately. Doing so can prevent the issue from getting worse or causing injury to you or your co-workers.

6. Communicate properly

Communication is also a crucial part of maintaining safety in the workplace. Talk with your co-workers so you know you’re on the same page. Ask your supervisor if there’s something you’re not sure of or don’t understand. Whatever the problem or misunderstanding may be, it can be resolved by communicating properly with your workmates.

7. Get plenty of rest and eat a balanced diet

This seems like unusual advice when you’re talking about oilfield workplace safety, but the job requires you to be alert at all times. Going to work sick or with inadequate sleep can put everybody at risk, including yourself, in case you perform poorly because of your condition.

Eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and get enough sleep. Not only is this good for your overall health, but you’ll also won’t have trouble staying alert at work.

Working in an oilfield is a dangerous job. But just like every other hazardous occupation, there are many ways you can reduce risks. Following these tips is a good start.

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