
Choosing the Best Sofa for Your Home

A sofa is a mainstay in many American homes—and for good reasons. Not only it is one of the most versatile pieces of furniture around, but its mere presence also spells comfort and almost instantaneously makes your home feel cozy.

Before you plan a trip to a furniture store in Salt Lake City, know that there is an art to choosing the perfect sofa. It’s especially handy to keep these reminders in mind:

1. Size Matters

Needless to say, the ideal sofa has to fit your living room—or whichever room it will occupy, for that matter. Do not rely on rough estimates either. Take out your tape measure and get the room’s dimensions. This will give you a precise idea of how big the sofa needs to be.

Measure the doors and passageways that lead to the room, too. After all, you won’t be able to install your furniture if you can’t get it through the door, right?

2. Not All Sofas are Created Equal

Sofas are made from different materials. Although it’s important you choose a piece that matches your intended use and expected level of comfort, you must never put these considerations ahead of quality.

living room

Check these components to ensure you purchase a sofa that will deliver and last a long time:

  • Frame. Think of this as the sofa’s skeleton. Components like the cushions and upholstery are easy to alter and update over the years, but the frame isn’t. Therefore, you need to choose a frame that is durable enough to last and retain its form despite constant use. Two of the most popular types of frames are hardwood and metal. The latter, however, may warp or bend with time if it’s made from cheap components. Lastly, look for a frame that comes with a 15-year guarantee from the manufacturer.
  • Cushion. The cushions will determine not just how comfortable your sofa is, but also how long it will last. Different materials used for cushioning come with their share of pros and cons. Feather, for instance, is soft, squishy, and feels luxurious, but it needs to be plumped often. Foam and fiber fillings, on the other hand, are stable but will eventually lose their shape over the years. If you can, choose a cushion that uses a combination of these materials. You may also choose a sofa that uses feathers on the back cushion and foam on the seat cushions.
  • Upholstery. Your choice of fabric will depend on several factors besides your desired look. If the sofa will go somewhere exposed to a lot of natural light, it’s best to avoid natural materials like leather as they will fade from sun exposure. If you have pets, choose a fabric that’s easy to spot clean. You may consider loose covers that you can easily cover your sofa with and remove for cleaning once they get dirty.

3. Do Sit on It

A visit to furniture stores will show you that sofas come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. When choosing which one to buy, it’s not enough to pick the one that looks good. Try to actually sit on the couch and see if it gives you the kind of comfort you want. Make sure the seat offers enough leeway for you to move and the back cushion provides adequate support.

Your couch will be a major component in your home, so it pays to put in time and effort into choosing one that actually meets your needs. If you’re unsure, feel free to ask for recommendations from family and friends who have already found their ideal sofa.

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