
Common Eye Problems Among Millennials: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

In our fast-paced society, it’s no surprise that many millennials are struggling with common eye problems. There’s little time for rest and relaxation between working long hours, caring for children or aging parents, and trying to maintain a social life. And when you add the constant use of electronic devices to the mix, it’s no wonder that so many young people are experiencing vision problems. Here we’ll take a closer look at some of the most common eye problems among millennials and discuss ways to prevent them.

Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a condition that affects millions of people, and millennials are especially susceptible. The condition is caused by a lack of tears, which can result from certain medications, health conditions, or simply aging. Symptoms of dry eye syndrome include itchiness, redness, and burning, and the condition can lead to long-term vision problems if left untreated. Fortunately, there are several treatments available for dry eye syndrome. Artificial tears can help lubricate the eyes, and special eye drops can reduce inflammation. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to block tear ducts or insert artificial tears. With proper treatment, most people with dry eye syndrome can experience significant relief from their symptoms.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Millennials are more prone to developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration than any other generation. One in three Americans will suffer from this condition, which leads to the deterioration of the retina and eventual blindness. While there is no cure for AMD, there are treatments for retinal damage available that can slow down the progression of the disease and prevent further damage. In most cases, treatment involves a combination of medication and lifestyle changes. For example, quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly can all help to reduce the risk of developing AMD. Additionally, regular eye exams are essential for the early detection and treatment of the disease. With proper treatment, many people with AMD can maintain their vision and live relatively normal lives.

Computer vision syndrome (CVS)

man in coffee shop using his laptop with coffeeIf you spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen, you may be at risk for computer vision syndrome (CVS). CVS is a collection of symptoms that can include eye fatigue, headaches, and dry eyes. The condition is thought to be caused by millennials’ increased use of digital devices. According to one study, 90% of adults between 18 and 34 use digital devices for more than two hours per day. And 63% of millennials say they experience symptoms of CVS. If you’re concerned about the condition, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk. For example, take frequent breaks from your screen, adjust the lighting in your work area, and use artificial tears to keep your eyes moist.


Though often thought of as an elderly person’s disease, glaucoma is actually one of millennials’ most common eye problems. The condition, which damages the optic nerve, is typically caused by increased pressure in the eye. This can be due to various factors, including genetics, injury, or certain medical conditions. Symptoms of glaucoma include blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, and pain in the eye. If left untreated, glaucoma can lead to permanent vision loss. However, if caught early, the progression of the disease can be slowed or even halted with medication or surgery. Therefore, it is important for millennials to be aware of the signs and symptoms of glaucoma and to see an eye doctor regularly for screenings.


As the population ages, cataracts are becoming increasingly common. In fact, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, by age 80, more than half of all Americans will have developed this condition. A cataract occurs when the eye lens becomes clouded, making it difficult to see clearly. For many people, cataracts are a natural part of aging. However, several other factors can contribute to the development of cataracts, including diabetes, smoking, and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. While cataracts can be treated with surgery, it is often advisable to take steps to prevent them from developing in the first place. Some simple measures you can take include wearing sunglasses and avoiding smoking. If you have diabetes, it is also essential to keep your blood sugar levels. Taking these precautions can help reduce your risk of developing cataracts.

The bottom line

Eye health is vital at any age, but especially for millennials. By being proactive about our eye health, you can help keep our vision strong for years to come. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, see an optometrist as soon as possible. Don’t let your eyesight suffer because you didn’t take care of it in time.

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