woman holding her pendant

Upgrade Your Jewelry Game by Avoiding These Common Mistakes

Just like clothes, jewelry is a popular form of self-expression that caters not only to women but across many genders. From charm bracelets, beaded jewelry, and waist chains, accessories add flair and drama to virtually any outfit.

Buying jewelry is one of the most precious investments we make in our lifetime. We take time to find our favorite design and the best jewelry shop that will match our budget and personal style. But there’s more to jewelry than just a piece of accessory. There are a lot of rules involved, instead of wearing them all at the same time.

While many know the basic rules of wearing and styling clothes, not all people are aware of how to wear the right jewelry. In fact, even avid jewelry wearers are making these mistakes and some are even unaware of it. In this article, we’ll explore the common jewelry mishaps you’ve been making and how to avoid them.

Not knowing the quality and material

Jewelry shoppers have a habit of focusing too much on the design instead of the material and overall quality of jewelry. Like clothing, we want our jewelry to match our taste and personal style, but we should also identify how they are made. This is very important for shoppers who buy authentic jewelry metals, such as silver, gold, platinum, and other precious metals. Make sure to ask the merchant about the material to avoid buying fake jewelry.

If a jewelry piece has similar features with gold but the price is quite cheap or too good to be true, then it’s certainly not gold, but thinly plated. Gold is very expensive and is found only in legitimate jewelry merchants. Thus, there’s no way you can find authentic gold jewelry at a very cheap price.

Jewelry pieces made from non-precious metal wear off very fast after repeated use and may cause the skin to turn green or black. They can also cause allergic reactions or feelings of pain or itch in the affected area. You’ll notice this on thin plated jewelry after shedding off its coating to reveal the metal underneath.

The same goes for gemstones—they can be natural, man-made, or completely fake. There’s nothing wrong with these options, but you have to be conscious of your purchase. Low-cost jewelry is perfect for those who will wear it for a very short period. They also have a very short life span and eventually lose their quality. If you think your skin can tolerate cheap materials, then go for it.

woman with earrings

Wearing the same jewelry repeatedly

Every person has their own go-to jewelry and has a habit of using the same piece almost every day without taking it off. This often happens if it came from a significant other or a loved one. While this is a tough habit to break, there’s nothing wrong with making a few changes from time to time.

Firstly, wearing jewelry every day is the fastest way to ruin its quality. If upkeep is something you skip on, the piece will certainly catch dirt on areas you won’t easily notice. Once dirt accumulates, the changes will slowly become more apparent. One example are earrings with intricate metal locks hiding behind the earlobe. If you keep wearing them without proper cleaning, this can lead to skin infections.

If you wear your jewelry every day to work or school, make sure to clean them regularly right after taking them off. Use a brush with soft bristles and warm water with soap. Do this every one to two weeks. Set a schedule so you won’t forget it.

Also, the point of wearing jewelry is to enhance your look and not bore everyone. While we understand you don’t want to part with your favorite piece, there’s nothing wrong with experimenting. There are tons of jewelry styles out there to play on.

Using inappropriate jewelry cleaning tactics

We all want the best for our jewelry. We want to keep them clean and look brand new. Sometimes, we turn to the internet to know the best jewelry cleaning methods without knowing if they’re proven and appropriate. In reality, not all cleaning products are equal, and choosing the wrong one can cause permanent damage to your expensive pieces.

Washing your jewelry with toothpaste is a terrible idea. Toothpaste contains abrasive content that will ruin the finish and metal quality, making a piece less valuable. Using alcohol on gemstones is also wrong.

A great tip is to avoid any harmful chemical unless a jewelry specialist recommended them. Some jewelry pieces come with a cleaning manual, so make sure to follow it.

By avoiding the jewelry mistakes above, you can now enhance your appearance and sense of style while following the latest jewelry trends that match your personal style. Your earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings may have cost you a huge amount of money, so it makes sense to take care of them and use them wisely. If you plan to shop for your next jewelry piece, it’s best to talk to a jewelry specialist.

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