man working on solar panels

There’s No Reason Not to Go Solar in Australia

The sun bears down on Australia quite intensely. While the sun raises temperatures and turns most houses into veritable ovens, you can also use sunlight to power your home and keep your air conditioning running. Australia’s location makes it one of the best places for solar power. Cloud cover makes little difference close to the equator, giving the country more than 300 days of intense sunlight.

Save the Environment

Climate change is a hot topic. While most greenhouse gases are produced by developing nations — particularly China and India — more developed countries like Australia, the US, The UK, and other European nations also produce significant amounts of carbon. Fossil fuels account for 80 percent of Australia’s power production. Households accounted for the most electrical consumption, followed by the manufacturing industry, transportation, and mining.

More than 27 trillion kWh were used by 7.8 million households in Australia. If every household in the nation used solar power systems, the total energy requirements of the nation would be cut by a third. Coal-powered plants can reduce their output, reducing carbon emissions that pollute the air. Less stress on the grid will also allow power companies to explore the use of renewables. The use of fossil fuels won’t entirely vanish, as reliable sources of power in Australia are very limited.

Save Money

While everyone wants to save the environment, very few people put their money where their mouth is. Most air their concerns but do very little for the environment. Money is a driving factor, and most people won’t spend significant money on environmental causes.

Fortunately, going solar has financial advantages. The intense sunlight in Australia makes them work at higher efficiency, allowing households to use smaller systems to cover their energy use. Market forces have dropped solar costs to the point of being practically free.

A typical household consumes 19 kWh per day, accumulating $1,500 worth of electric bills a year. The smallest solar power system you can get at 6.6-kW produces 24 kWh per day with just 6 hours of sunlight. It produces more than enough power to cover your home’s daytime consumption. Excess power gets sent to the grid, covering your home’s nighttime use of electricity.

A 6.6-kW system costs less than $4,500. It requires 20-24 panels, which most rooftops can certainly hold. Pay for your panels outright or purchase them with a 5-year loan. The savings on your electric bill should be more than enough to cover the monthly premiums. You might even save more money than you’re paying over the course of 5 years.

solar panel field

Free Electricity for Life

Solar power systems pay for themselves in 2-3 years. They can last up to 45 years without a serious reduction in efficiency. Most solar companies will have 25-year warranties on their systems, guaranteeing an 80-90 percent efficiency in power production.

At the least, you’ll get more than 20 years of free electricity. You’ll save more than $1,000 a year over the next 20 years — more than quadrupling the cost of buying your solar panels. Eliminating your reliance on the grid also insulates you from future power price hikes. Green policies are making their way to the government. The county’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Target of 26-28 percent less greenhouse gases (compared to 2005 levels) will strain power companies and the consumers who rely on them.

Earn More Money by Going Negative

Depending on your energy provider, you can earn 5-10 cents per excess kWh sent to the grid. In Victoria, the average solar-powered household exports 2,200 kWh to the grid per year, potentially earning $1,000-$2,000 instead of paying for electricity. You can increase your contribution to the grid by making your home more energy-efficient. Air conditioners account for a third of most households’ energy use.

Heatwaves are becoming more common, and even Brisbane recorded temperatures of over 40°C in 2019. Preventing or limiting heat transfer can reduce a home’s energy consumption by 20-30 percent. Heat transfer primarily occurs through the roof, so roofing insulation is one of the best ways to keep your house cool.

Together with air conditioning units, refrigerators, freezers, and washers comprise the majority of electrical consumption in an average home. Switching to newer appliances can significantly cut electrical consumption, especially if a unit or appliance uses inverter technology.

More than 2.7 million households in Australia already have solar power. Solar power is not only free. You can even earn thousands of dollars a year if your house is energy-efficient. Even if you don’t think about the environment, going solar should give you substantial financial motivation.

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