dentist holding a sample unit

Have you just had oral implants fitted? A brief guide about what to avoid for long-term success

When you are investing in your appearance, it is important to know what will impact on the long- term success of any treatment.

For instance, if you regularly undertake dermal fillers, you will have to avoid sunbeds to prolong the longevity of the fillers. And, in cases of excess fat removal, you will often be advised to adhere to a low-fat diet to make sure the results last.

Similarly, when it comes to more long-term cosmetic dental options, such as veneers or oral implants, there are a few things that will impact on how long these restorative procedures can last. Some variables are, unfortunately, outside of your individual control but luckily, with a few lifestyle changes, in the case of implants you can ensure that your new teeth can last a long time, up to 40 years in fact!

So, what are some of the factors that can negatively impact the success of your dental implants in Harley Street? Read on to find out!

Poor oral hygiene

Oral implants are the perfect, long-term solution for tooth loss. Therefore, if you have lost your natural teeth to decay or infection, once your implants are fitted, you will need to up your game in relation to hygiene.

Dental implants from Harley Street are more likely to fail if you have recurring incidents of gum disease, or if any surrounding natural teeth are removed due to decay. So, once those implants are fitted, it is vital that you visit your dentist twice a year for check-ups and hygienist level cleans.


While it is common knowledge that smoking is bad for you, it can be equally rough on your gums and teeth.

Dental implants in Harley Street often have shorter than average lifespans if the patient is a smoker, meaning that you may have just undergone a lengthy (and expensive) treatment for nothing if you do not give up this particularly unhealthy addiction.

If you have concerns about your smoking, talk to your dentist or doctor about treatments that can help you kick the habit.


Alcohol, like smoking, can impact on the overall health of your gums.

It can cause extensive inflammation, leading to the gums becoming more porous, and thus more prone to periodontal disease like gingivitis. It can also cause your gums to recede, which is never a good look.

These conditions will negatively impact your implants and so if you need help to reduce your alcohol consumption, contact your doctor for advice.


person checking blood sugar

While having either type 1 or type 2 diabetes is not an immediate concern in relation to dental implants, it is important that once they are fitted that you maintain your health. As dentists have found higher incidents of both gum disease and cavities in people who have diabetes, it is important to keep this condition under control to increase the longevity of your implant.

Rheumatoid conditions

Sadly, many people who have rheumatoid conditions, or health issues that impact the connective tissue have a longer healing time after implants are fitted. Extended healing times often increase the chances of having implant failure.

However in general implant success rates are high and deliver very good service, especially if you adhere to sensible guidelines.

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