house interior

Update Your Home’s Interior without Breaking the Bank

If you think your home’s interior badly needs some TLC, be prepared to shell out several thousands of dollars to refresh its looks. Updating your interior is a significant undertaking, meaning, it will burn a hole in your bank account. A significant renovation can’t be DIY-ed, so you’ll need to hire professionals to do the job. Just thinking about it makes you want to forget you’ve ever thought about updating your home’s aesthetics. Fortunately, there are small things that you can do that won’t eat up too much of your budget. These are small changes, but their impact could be big, especially if you’re a bit short on cash. Check out the following tips.

A Fresh Coat of Paint Could Do Wonders

If you’re not too keen on tearing down walls to open up your interior, you can just settle with repainting everything and going with lighter colors to make the space feel bigger. Granted, you’ll still have the same layout, but the space would be easier on the eyes and less claustrophobic compared to your old gray walls and ceilings. If you have a bit of budget left after painting, you can try stripping your old, worn out carpet to reveal what’s underneath. Be it wood or tile; it could freshen up the space if it’s properly buffed and cleaned. Again, you’ll still have the same layout since you’re not spending a lot on a major renovation, but you’ll have a fresher view now with newly painted walls and ceilings.

living room

Let the Light In

You may not notice, but the real reason why your space feels old and stuffy is that you have all your windows covered with thick curtains or blinds. These window treatments, once installed, can easily be forgotten to a point when they’re already a part of your home’s interior. They’re permanently shut, effectively blocking the air and the light from coming to the room. What you can do is remove the curtains and blinds first. Notice how your space immediately transforms when it’s well lit? You can still put up new curtains, but go with thinner, light colored ones this time. If you have outdated windows, you can splurge a bit on vinyl windows for the Utah climate. This not only updates the look of your windows, but it also ensures that you have a proper seal to keep the cold out and the heat indoors during the cold, harsh season.

Try a Bit of Decluttering

After several years of living in your home, it’s highly likely that you’ve amassed quite a bit of collection of some sort. Whether it is tacky furniture, figurines, or various appliances from different eras, you’re wasting significant floor area in your home. Try to downsize your collection, a la Marie Kondo by choosing which ones still spark joy and which ones don’t. By reducing the number of items in a room, you’ll immediately notice a change that you haven’t felt in years. You have more space to move, relax, and just see the space differently.

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